Promotional Excellence

Online Stores and Fulfillment - FAQ's

Scott Polston Online Stores

Online Stores and Fulfillment - FAQ's

Online Stores and Fulfillment - FAQ's What is an online store?  An online store is a web-based online store solution to help your organization meet its ordering goals (schools, businesses or non-profits can add any custom-branded items). We provide a variety or options for ease of use, including “smart start”, “premium” and “platinum” versions that include stocking and inventory management of your branded or logoed items. How long does it take to set up an online store for my organization?  We set everything up for you. Typical time frames are a few days to a few weeks depending on how...

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Artwork Tips for Production Ready Artwork - part 2

Scott Polston Artwork Tips Design Advice

Artwork Tips for Production Ready Artwork - part 2

Screen printers appreciate it when an artist sends a file that is already put into spot color. This cuts down the time having to recolor from CMYK or RGB and most importantly help save your effects such as lenses, meshes, gradients etc. the way you want them.

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Custom Masks - Practical Options

Scott Polston Face Masks Marketing Sales

Custom Masks - Practical Options

Practical Advice for Face Masks Scott PolstonPromotional Marketing Consultant, Garment Graphics, LLC. The evidence is mounting that we will all need to embrace face masks and/or face covers as part of daily life as we progress through the Covid-19 pandemic. A top topic we are being asked about is face masks so I wanted to take a moment to give you some helpful information. We are not scientists at Garment Graphics so this isn't a scientific commentary. I hope you find that a relief compared to the contentious news and social media. The Types: Medical Masks, Surgical Masks and Cloth...

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Print Friendly Artwork Tips for Adobe Illustrator Part 1

Scott Polston Artwork Tips Design Advice

Print Friendly Artwork Tips for Adobe Illustrator Part 1

So you created your art design in Adobe Illustrator, so it should be vector art, ready to print on a t-shirt….right? Unfortunately, in most cases the answer is no. Here at Garment Graphics we want to make your order process as simple and easy as possible. Here are some tips to help you or your artist get your awesome design ready for printing.

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Bella Sizing Video

Holly Polston Bella Canvas T-shirt Styles

Bella Sizing Video

Custom screen printed shirt blanks.  Bella Canvas fashion styles sizing advice.

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